Wonder Woman: Warbringer
I finished Wonder Woman: Warbringer, by Leigh Bardugo, on .
Published by Random House Teen, I got this book from a public library. It's a hardcover, written in prose. It's fiction.
I rated Wonder Woman: Warbringer a 7 out of 10 on how satisfying it was to read, a 5 out of 10 on its level of sophistication, and a 6 out of 10 on the quality of the writing.
I might recommend it to a friend. I would might recommend it to a classmate. I would reread this.
Notes: This was a fun book to read, although Diana and Alia really should have had a romance. It was totally set up for that, but whatever. This isn't my book. Anyway. I'm not generally an action fan, but this was okay. Your basic 'choose courage' book, but at least it was well written.
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